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Cotter Brothers recognized as a major equipment supplier for Sanofi’s new award winning facility!

April, 2020  ISPE’s Facility of the Year Awards is an annual program that recognizes state-of-the-art projects utilizing new, innovative technologies to improve the quality of products, to reduce the cost of producing high-quality medicines, and demonstrate advances in project delivery.

This year, Sanofi’s new Digitally Enabled Integrated Continuous Biomanufacturing Facility in Framingham, Massachusetts, USA has been selected as the ISPE 2020 FOYA Category Winner for Facility of the Future!

We, at Cotter Brothers Corporation, would like to congratulate Sanofi on being the recipient of this prestigious award! As a supplier of custom turn-key, single use bioreactors systems for this facility, we are proud to be recognized as a project partner and major equipment provider for Sanofi.

More information about Sanofi’s state of the art facility and ISPE’s Facility of the Year Awards may be found at

Randy Cotter Sr. Receives ASME Dedicated Service Award

October, 2014
The Dedicated Service Award is presented each year by The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) to one member that has shown examples of extraordinary service and dedication in support of ASME activities. The society selected Randy Sr. from a pool of over 65,000 members for 2014.


Cotter Brothers Featured in Spring ’12 Issue of Management Today

For the Cotter family, Cotter Bros. Corp. not only is a successful business venture, but also an extension of the family’s legacy in process skid systems and fabrications. The Danvers, Mass.-based firm manufactures process-piping systems for clients in the biotechnology and pharmaceuticals industries.

To read the full article, click here.

Recirculating Citric Acid Cleaning & Passivation

In addition to offering our customers the options of ambient citric passivation by hand, or in-shop cleaning and passivation services by expert industry passivation contractors. Cotter Brother now has the capability to perform recirculating cleaning and citric acid passivation at elevated temperatures, in-house. Where client specifications do not require the use of a particular passivation contractor, CBC is now able to offer these services with greater schedule flexibility and lower cost.

Now Offering Webex Remote Services to Enhance & Accelerate Design Reviews

We realize the importance of closely coordinated communication and review during the design phase of our projects. Cotter Brothers has the capacity to host remote Webex design conferences, giving our customers the ability to view and comment on the rendered 3D design models at various stages during design, from anywhere in the world that has internet access. Since implementation, we have found this approach provides a more streamlined, complete and accurate capture of the design requirements prior to approval and fabrication, which leads to reduced total project lead time and fewer changes and reduced costs later during fabrication and testing.